
PJ and Vicki Collaborate...Saturday Centus #15

I'm participating in Saturday Centus,
hosted by JENNY MATLOCK Visit her to see how others formed a short story from this weeks prompt...which is in blue.

I'm again collaborating with PJ over at Seens From The Backs Of My Eyelids.
to write a six chapter story. Visit us to see what we do...

Chapter One (PJ)

Wouldn’t you know it? One of the few mornings I was told to sleep in and I woke before the sun peered over the horizon!

Yawning, I picked the gravel from my tear ducts. Maybe I could sneak down to the kitchen, make myself a cup of tea and sneak back upstairs before anyone found out! The theme to Mission Impossible played in my head. Larry didn’t even stir as I eased out of bed.

I padded silently down the hall, past the kid’s rooms, to the stairs. The sound of my Mother’s Day Munchkins wafted up from the kitchen.

I listened to them from my perch on the top step and didn't know whether to laugh or to cry...

Chapter Two (Vicki)

I didn't want to spoil the enchantment of what was unfolding downstairs. I listened to them from my perch on the top step and didn't know whether to laugh or to cry...  My ears grabbed every little snippet they could; the cup of tea unimportant.

My heart swelled at the sounds of cupboard doors banging shut amid the swoosh of the refrigerator door. Glasses and china plates chimed as they joined in the dance with the pots and pans. Words were spoken in changing crescendos along with all the giggles.

The tune in my mind was gone, replaced with visions of a younger me in the same kitchen, making the same noises, for the same reason.

And memories of Mama...

 Visit us to see where we take this one ..

Keep Smilin (o:


Jenners said...

Very nicely done, you guys!! It does bring to mind many of my own Mother's Day projects from the past ... and I suspect my son is getting old enough to be doing his own rattling around in the kitchen soon enough.

Sue said...

I always love to see where these go...

Great job!


Cheryl said...

I love where you took this Vicki. Back in time should be fun to watch...

Viki said...

I'm going to love this one. Can't wait to see where it goes with you two.

Kat said...

Really nice tie in. You write so well together, I'm anxious to see where this leads.

Koby said...

So sweet...I too made breakfast for my mom and my children have done the same for me.

Tgoette said...

Great story Vicki! It does bring back some warm memories of mama! Very well done!

Jenny said...

Nicely done, Miss Vicki! Looking forward to see Chapter 3!