

WOW, almost a week since I've been here.

And no, things aren't all organized yet :(


The good and all knowing Universe keeps me smiling through it all.

Had to share this one.

Kinda scary how it fits sometimes....

People who give, Vicki, are given to

People who care, are cared for.

And people who love...

Age slower,

run faster, 

jump higher,

eat healthier,

tend to live in cottages,

are as happy with friends
as they are alone.

climb more trees, 

skip when they could walk,

kiss when they could talk,

take the odd Friday off,

experience faster manifestations,

and are really popular with animals. 

And you're just the sort we'd expect to find 

with lots of friends,

in a tree,

on an island 

you named after your last squirrel.

Love Baby,
The Universe 

( How'd they know about Mable?)

See, keeps me smiling :)

Hope all is well with everyone.

I'll be back soon as I can.

See ya Yesterday...


My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

That message could have been meant for moi.
Raised a few squirrels myself.:0)
Take care. (((hugs)))

My Grama's Soul said...

Good morning dear friend.....You ALWAYS make my day!!



Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Great post - loved both messages! Hang in there...we will persevere because we are strong, loving women with wings! We can fly anywhere!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love this. Make room in the treehouse for moi.

Pearl said...

Hi kid glad to see you back, been missing you. Get that camera going again!

Sue said...

I love when you post about the Universe....she is SO wise!



Cheryl said...

That's one beautiful sentiment. I like the one in the picture too.

PⒿ @ $ € € ₦$ ₣®0₥... said...

This should be a poster!!!! I'd hang it on my wall!!