

 Little life story of mine. Haven't shared one for awhile. Guess it's time.

Some of you know about my daughter Lori. Her story is somewhere in past posts. But this one is more about a turtle.

My cousin Diana gave me a turtle after Lori left us. No, not a real one. But a small metal one. Green, gold and with rhinestones sprinkled across the shell.   Diana told me how she'd read where, in ancient Mythology, a turtle is symbolized as a go between to help someone get to heaven....

It's shell opens to reveal a little hidden compartment. Tucked inside is Lori's obituary notice. It's keeping a little piece of her safe for me.

Here's what a little research told me about turtles . I'll share it with you...

There is a presence and flow of steadfast strength in their deliberate, steady, and thorough approach to a life of non-doing, non-reaction, acceptance, and naturalism. Always at home within themselves, they embody the meaning of "home is where the heart is," understanding detachment and freedom. These carefree, patient, instinctual creatures honor the rhythms of life balance, demonstrate non-violent, self-defense mechanisms, and know when to turn within. Navigating one day at a time, they mirror the importance of moving at one's own pace through life while honoring boundaries. Turtles are survivors; living so near the Earth, moving slowly, aging gracefully, symbolizing groundedness, and embracing courage with faith, as is demonstrated through the progress they make only by sticking their neck out. It is no wonder they are considered the wisest of souls in the animal kingdom, offering a potent and profound analogy for humankind on many deep levels.

Throughout the ages humans have bestowed turtles with special meaning. Ancient myths from different cultures describe the world as resting on the turtle’s back. Among Far Eastern cultures it was believed that the turtle’s back symbolized Heaven and that its underside represented Earth. For them the turtle signified the possibility of uniting Heaven and Earth within one’s own life.
Some cultures today still regard the turtle as a symbol of the primal mother and believe that it is connected to the lunar cycle. Others associate the turtle with longevity and wisdom. Incredibly, sea turtles have existed on earth longer than any other vertebrate animal — they were here when dinosaurs evolved and became extinct, and they survived the Ice Age.
The turtle has qualities that are congruent with the teachings and values of the Life Balance Institute. The turtle naturally withdraws and goes within when in turmoil. It does not need to learn the importance of this focusing inward, it naturally knows. The turtle’s whole life is one of steadfastness, effort, and patience. It lives a slow and steady life of “non-doing.” There is a saying, “Home is where the heart is” — the turtle is always at home within itself.

I'll never look at a turtle as some dumb little reptile again.

Don't think you will either...

See Ya Yesterday...One Tomorrow at a Time...

6 comments: said...


What a sweet gesture from your cousin. Perhaps I will do the same and find a turtle for my sister. I actually saved and nursed a turtle for over a year. They have always been a favorite of mine and I have no problem stopping traffic to scoop one up who is in the process of crossing the road and move him to the other side. Apparently the above description "demonstrate non-violent" has never met a snapper!
Have a great weekend!
Your Friend,

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is beautiful. I love that you have the special Lori turtle. I actually love turtles....I hate seeing them in the road. Makes me so sad...and yes, we save them whenever we safely can!

Jules said...

Beautiful creatures and history! Thanks for sharing!!

CATIZ4PawPaw said...

Well, I didn't realize what a deep thinker you are. You haven't always been. As you know, I'm not a low to the ground, inside myself person, per se. I'm more of a leaper......

Pearl said...

Well now that was an education, cool jesture for the cousin. I think I want a turtle now...

Sue said...

I love and follow the American Native belief that all living things have special characteristics and
'powers' (for lack of a better word).

I'm glad Vicki that you have this very special turtle with the connection to Lori. :)
