If you read my post Saturday, you'll know just where I was
And what I did...or didn't
Ok, you can roll your eyes now
BUT WAIT! (infomercial jargon)
I found something really really cool (other than the photo dude) I visited one of my fav blogs over in Germany, anders angiehen On her last post she shared a story/link to an e-magazine called sisterMag and what fun! The intro tells how and why it was started... and talk about eye candy:) There's a lot of pages but it's something you can go visit again, whenever. you'll find fashion, gardening, recipes that made me drool all over my keyboard...even music you can listen to. Good, fun girlie stuff! The link says it's in Istanbul so I'm not sure about the language. But it's also in English...which is good for me or I'd just have to look at pictures. If you go to anders angiehen, it's on her sidebar too. It came up in the English form for me, probably cause I have her blog that way so I can read her stuff. The only language besides Slang American that I know is good ol Pig Latin....
I've embedded the code (but after previewing, it don't work?) so if ya have a minute or six, go see what I saw...this link sisterMag took me to the English version...Me thinks you'll likey:)
UPDATE....it's now on my sidebar :)
Open publication - Free publishing
And SMILE! Whattheheck, it's Monday!
That's a BOOK unto it's "own self!"
Let me know when you finish it.
My eyes were all over the place.
So much to see. TIME....just need time. (((hugs)))Pat
Okdokie!!! You are always sending me on some trip....
Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out. :)
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